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Supported by USAID as a collaborative project between Paon Bleu and Caisse Populaire de Pestel, MOBILECOM’s digital financing system is the transparent, trackable and transformative solution Haiti and her investors have been waiting for.  

Mobilizing Investments for Inclusive Livelihoods & Economic Empowerment in Core Communities


Adapting existing technology to Haiti’s culturally specific practices, MOBILECOM
uses a modernized digital platform that offers inclusive access to credit.

MOBILECOM is a modernized credit offering that merges rotating saving practices (ROSCA) onto a digital platform with inclusive access to financing.

By tailoring existing technology, MOBILECOM eliminates third party reliance and empowers culturally specific practices through a blockchain-based financing system.

Transparent and trackable transactions aggregate as a MOBILECOM digital credit identity, facilitating continued credit access with maintenance of a positive credit profile.

With a self-empowering ethos built into the digital platform, MOBILECOM’s digital financing system facilitates positive lending lifecycles as a fully sustainable and scalable investment practice.

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